
17. mai-steinen i Snåsa

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På formiddagen søndag 17. mai 1835 reiste prestesønnen Ole Rynning – sammen med sine elever ved Søndagsskolen i Snåsa – en bauta i skogen ved Vinje prestegård mens faren, sognepresten Jens Rynning, var opptatt med preken.  På bautaen er sirlig innhogd «17 MAJ».  Bautaen ble satt opp i hemmelighet, og på tross av prestefaderens klare...

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The Refsnes Monument

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The year is 1807. In Fiksdalen, Ola Kvernhusdalen is working his fields. The Napoleonic Wars are ravaging Europe. The Danish-Norwegian Kingdom remains neutral for as long as possible. Following the attack on Copenhagen by the British in August, in what has been known as the great fleet robbery, the Danish Prince Regent Fredrik is forced...

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The Object Recounts – The Story of a Viking Age Artifact

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Created in the year 818 in a forge in Ireland. The blacksmith opens the mold, and an ornate piece of bronze is revealed. Only finishing touches and the mounting of the gemstone remains before the piece is ready to adorn the cover of the Holy Book at the abbey church altar. The year 847. The...

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Wild Reindeer Hunt in the Viking Age

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Everything has been prepared for the greatreindeer hunt. For several weeks, people from the village have cleaned and prepared the large trapping pits on the mountains and hillsides, covering them with twigs, leaves and peat. It had been a substantial task, and everyone, regardless of gender, age or size, had done their share of the...

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The Titran Disaster

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The autumn of 1899 was like a dream. For the first few weeks of October, herring prices rose by up to 15 kr a barrel, and on October 13th, prices peaked at as much as 40 kr! It was the autumn of opportunity and adventure. Herring shoals were plentiful, prices were good and the weather...

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The Titran Fishing Village

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Ocean smell saturates the air. Salty and fresh, a light breeze well suited for sailing on a fair weather day at sea. Fish is being salted at the factory. The women share lively conversations as they routinely cover the fish with salt using large scoops. Today, the weather is perfect for spreading the cleaned fish...

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Building the Sletringen Lighthouse

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Norway’s tallest lighthouse towers 46 meters above sea level, built in cast iron and situated on a skerry outside the Titran fishing village. The lamp was lit in the autumn of 1923, and Sletringen Lighthouse became a guiding star for captains and fishermen. Building the lighthouse was quite a feat. The lighthouse commission approached Foreman...

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The Stabben Prisoners of War

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On a cool and windy spring day in 1942, the Soviet prisoner of war, Andrei, arrives at the Titran fishing village, along with 150 other captives. Cold and scared, he stands outside the Ohrset Wharf at Stabben, staring out at the bleak coastal landscape. He doesn’t know where he is or how long he will...

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Gravhaugene på Bertnem

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En dag i oktober 1884 går en britisk lakselord i land i Namsos. Han er for seint til laksefiske, men tenker å rekke å grave noengravhauger. Samt skyte noen elg. COCKS går inn i butikken til L. Johansen. COCKS God ettermiddag, mitt navn er Cocks. EKSPEDITØR God ettermiddag, herr Cocks. Hva kan vi stå til...

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